Medium Temperature Heat Pump

The SPECTRUM Water Medium Temperature Heat Pump is available with up to 6 oil-free turbo-compressors, a rated heating capacity of 350 to 3,100 kW, and for condenser leaving water temperatures of up to +65 °C using various heat sources.


The SPECTRUM Water Medium-Temperature Heat Pump is the ecologically sustainable alternative to heat generators that run on fossil fuels and is ideal for green building architecture, as well as for forward-looking local authorities and cities. Potential sources of heat include groundwater, seawater, river water, deep geothermal energy, and waste heat from industrial processes and server rooms.

Thanks to its unique combination of oil-free turbo compressors with magnetic bearings, flooded shell and tube condensers, and the open-flash economizer, the SPECTRUM Water is highly efficient. It is also climate-friendly, as it runs on a refrigerant with a low global warming potential. As a result, performance and efficiency remain almost stable throughout the machine’s service life, as no oil deposits can develop in the heat exchangers or in the refrigerant circuit.

The benefits of SPECTRUM Water Medium Temperature Heat Pumps include:

  • Maximum seasonal energy efficiency
  • Oil-free Danfoss Turbocor Compressor
  • Reduced CO₂ emissions
  • Very low or no GWP levels
  • High level of safety
  • Absolute operational reliability
  • Outstanding power density
  • Price-performance ratio
  • Simultaneous heating and cooling possible with the same machine
  • Maximum performance with a minimal footprint
  • Short payback time
  • Minimising waste heat.

Sources of Heat Energy

Sources of Heat Energy - Heat can be recovered from cooling equipment or from natural sources including ground, water and air.
Sirus - SAUTER Group

Sirus House
Unit 13, The Westway Centre
Ballymount Avenue
Dublin, D12 FW63

+353 1 460 2600
+353 1 450 7968

The Well
Unit 2018
Orchard Avenue
Citywest Business Campus
Dublin, D24 FR88

+353 1 450 7968

Sirus Cork
Unit 5, Centrepoint
Marina Commercial Park
Cork, T12 H7DV

+353 21 4315552
+353 21 4315556

Sirus NI
i2 CIDO Innovation Centre
73 Charlestown Road
Co. Armagh, BT63 5PP
Northern Ireland

+44 28 9085 0605

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