Case Study

HVAC and BMS Energy Optimisation

Tesco Gorey Store is centrally located in Gorey town. The single storey building is one of Tesco’s earlier Irish stores and was previously a Quinnsworth owned building. The store operates on a 24-hour basis but is only open to customers between the hours of 7 am to midnight; shelf stacking is performed through the night.

Sirus BMS division received an initial instruction from Tesco Energy Department to implement BMS energy optimisation strategies across a number of their Irish stores. However, in some cases the anticipated improvements in HVAC System operation and associated reductions in energy consumption did not occur, one of which was Gorey Store.

The Solution

Sirus Energy Team, comprising BMS, HVAC and Energy Specialists, were asked to carry out a “root and branch” investigation of both the HVAC and BMS Systems in Tesco, Gorey.

Sirus found that due to the 24-hour operation of the store, much of the main HVAC equipment was operating in manual control, thus preventing any improvements in operating efficiency from BMS optimisation.

Sirus provided the following services on this project:

  • Initial energy review
  • BMS optimization
  • HVAC System optimisation
  • Modifications and maintenance work
  • Re-commissioning.

The Result

The most significant of energy savings achieved in Gorey store came from opportunities identified in the main air handling and boiler plant. Modifications to these systems were subsequently implemented by Sirus HVAC engineers. The changes to the HVAC system in conjunction with BMS optimisation resulted in an overall energy reduction of up to 60%.

Sirus is currently implementing HVAC and BMS energy efficiency works across 25 Tesco stores nationwide.

“Sirus achieve 60% reduction of the Store energy consumption through optimisation of BMS and HVAC systems…”

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