Commercial heat pumps are the ecologically sustainable alternative to heat generators run on fossil fuels and are ideal for green building architecture and forward-looking local authorities and cities.
Potential applications include integration in heat networks, housing development concepts and district heating solutions, and for the provision of low-temperature process heat for industry, large hotels, hospitals, shopping malls and airports, or in office complexes and logistics buildings.
Potential heat sources include groundwater, seawater, river water, deep geothermal energy, and waste heat from industrial processes and server rooms.
Operating companies can choose between the R-1234ze A2L low-GWP refrigerants and the high-efficiency A1 safety refrigerants R-515B, R-513A and R-134a.
Sirus’ engineers are on hand from the start to look after every heat pump and regularly check their operation to ensure that heating requirements are being optimally met. Our service engineers are “Danfoss Turbocor” trained.
The benefits of commercial heat pumps include:
- Maximum seasonal energy efficiency
- Oil-free Danfoss Turbocor Compressor (on SPECTRUM Heat Pump)
- Reduced CO₂ emissions
- Very low or no GWP levels
- High level of safety
- Absolute operational reliability
- Outstanding power density
- Price-performance ratio
- Simultaneous heating and cooling possible with the same machine
- Maximum performance with a minimal footprint
- Short payback time
- Minimising waste heat.
SPECTRUM Water-Water Commercial Heat Pump
The SPECTRUM Water Commercial Heat Pump is available with up to 6 oil-free turbo-compressors, a rated heating capacity of 350 to 3,100 kW, and for condenser leaving water temperatures of up to +65 °C.
CO2 High Temperature Commercial Heat Pump
CO2 Heat Pumps work exclusively with the future safe, environmentally friendly refrigerant R-744 (CO2). These high-temperature heat pumps provide hot water temperatures up to 110°C using various heat sources.
Danfoss Turbocor Compressor
Danfoss Turbocor compressors use advanced technology to deliver high efficiency and low sound levels in a compact footprint.
Industry leading performance is achieved by using oil free, magnetic bearings that provide world class efficiency and zero performance degradation over the life of the compressor. Permanent magnet motors and variable speed drives provide unmatched full and part load efficiency.

Sirus House
Unit 13, The Westway Centre
Ballymount Avenue
Dublin, D12 FW63
The Well
Unit 2018
Orchard Avenue
Citywest Business Campus
Dublin, D24 FR88
Sirus Cork
Unit 5, Centrepoint
Marina Commercial Park
Cork, T12 H7DV
Sirus NI
i2 CIDO Innovation Centre
73 Charlestown Road
Co. Armagh, BT63 5PP
Northern Ireland
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